Join Research Studies

DPBN Divisions

Brain Imaging Research Division (BRAIN Division)

Our primary research focus is the application of magnetic resonance imaging techniques to pressing issues in biological psychiatry. Magnetic resonance technology is applied to morphological neuroimaging (MRI), functional imaging (fMRI), in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), and in vitro high field MRS. By virtue of the range of neuroscience interests in the department of Psychiatry and the school of medicine, spanning from molecular to clinical neuroscience, the BRAIN is focused on clinical and translational neuroscience as it relates to MR technology. BRAIN offers numerous educational and research opportunities in the application of MR to neuroscience.



The Trauma History Investigation of Neurodevelopment in Kids (THINK) Lab

The Trauma History Investigation of Neurodevelopment in Kids (THINK) lab studies the impact of stress and trauma during childhood on brain development in children and adolescents, as well as, neurodevelopmental mechanisms leading to anxiety and other "fear-based" disorders, such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These disorders are extremely common and affect about one in three people at some point during their lifetime. Fear-based disorders also begin during childhood and adolescence, so our research takes a developmental approach.



Detroit Trauma Project

The Jovanovic lab focuses on urban trauma exposure, fear conditioning, brain development, and post-traumatic stress disorder in adults and children. Using the measures listed below, we are able to investigate the effects of trauma in order to better comprehend the mechanisms through which posttraumatic symptomatology develops. Our proposed research also examines critical periods for trauma-related correlates of brain development. 



Nicotine and Tobacco Research Division




Stress, Trauma and Anxiety Research Clinic (STARC)


Wayne Health’s Stress, Trauma, and Anxiety Research Clinic (STARC – is part of the general psychiatry clinics of the Wayne State University School of Medicine department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences. STARC’s mission is to bring clinical insight to research and to advance clinical services through leading edge research knowledge. Our clinical work is mainly focused on anxiety and trauma-related disorders, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in civilians, health care workers, first responders, law enforcement,  refugees or victims of torture or human trafficking. Our providers use medication therapy, psychotherapy, exercise and lifestyle modification to help patients achieve their full capacity for a fulfilling life.


Substance Addiction Research Division

Research in the Drug Lab focuses on mechanism-based determinants and modification of addictive behaviors. The lab uses rigorous human experimental approaches, medications and pharmacological probes, multi-modal magnetic resonance imaging, neuromodulation, and behavioral, subjective and physiological endpoints to investigate hypothesized relationships.

There are several ongoing projects in the lab. Students at various levels of training (e.g. postdoctoral, graduate, medical, undergraduate) are routinely involved in our research and obtain mentored scientific experiences. Beyond these studies, we are actively engaged in several other collaborative projects with other labs at Wayne State University and across the country.