Substance Addiction Research Division
The division research portfolio spans human laboratory, clinical and community research across the field of addictive disorders (substance use and pathological gambling). Current studies include investigations of the pharmacological, environmental and individual difference determinants of drug seeking/use; behavioral economic approaches to substance abuse and policy; novel medication and behavioral therapy trials in substance-using populations (e.g. HIV+, nicotine and opioid dependence, pregnant women, co-occurring psychiatric problems); screening and brief intervention using technological advances; epidemiologic studies in special populations, and health service research. These studies leverage collaboration with faculty members in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences along with experts in other WSU departments and other U.S. and international institutions. The division provides expert training in substance abuse science and clinical care to undergraduate, graduate/medical students, psychology interns, psychiatry residents and fellows.
Members of Research Programs and Research Support
Mark Greenwald, Ph.D.
Director, Substance Abuse Research Division
Carl Christensen, M.D., Ph.D.
Medical Director, Substance Abuse Research Division
Cynthia Arfken, Ph.D.
David Ledgerwood, Ph.D.
Leslie Lundahl, Ph.D.
Steven Ondersma, Ph.D.
Eugene Schoener, Ph.D.
Manuel E. Tancer